Northern Piedmont Retriever Club
- Training Sessions
Monthly training sessions are generally held the second Sunday of each month, and are really the focal point of the club. These training sessions give handlers and dogs of all ability levels an opportunity to advance as a team. Various scenarios, including both simple and complex marks, blinds and live flyers are run to give participants an opportunity to experience the type of retrieves they will encounter in both hunting and hunt tests. We generally break into smaller groups, including one for new or inexperienced dogs and handlers, so even if you are new to retrievers or training, you'll be able to join other new folks and progress at your own rate.
- Hunt Tests
The club traditionally holds two or three licensed hunt tests each year. Our major event is our late Summer NAHRA double lower stakes and triple Senior test held annually in mid-August. Our Spring tests vary each year, depending on the wishes of the membership. We have hosted the NAHRA Northeast Regionals, run quad Started tests, Single everything tests and even a triple Intermediate test.
- Demonstrations
The club puts on a number of retriever demonstrations, primarily at outdoor shows and Pennsylvania Game Commission Youth Days. The purpose of the demonstrations is to educate the public on the value of a trained retriever. We try to utilize dogs at various ability levels, not just senior level dogs, so people can see the progression possible in training.
- Other Events
Each year we hold a summer picnic and winter awards banquet. Other events include an annual upland hunt and a work day to repair duck boxes and cylinders on State Game Lands.