Last Updated Monday, April 11, 2005
Ever mindful of the important things in life, Frank and Carbon stand guard over their favorite spot-a-pot and tree, respectively. (Photo courtesy Jackie Lutskus)
Hemming and hawing all the way, John Fincher and Kelly discuss the gratuity required by gunners Bob Andrews and Rick Johnston to guarantee a fly-away in a Senior Test. (Photo courtesy Betty Schmidt)
Gunners Bob and Rick share a laugh that anyone would think they had pay to guarantee a miss with two guys that were 2 for 30 on the day! (Photo courtesy Betty Schmidt)
As Jackie Lutskus, Mike George, Jeff Riebling and Dave Combs pass out awards, a morose Tom Johnston ponders how to break the news to his brother Rick that he has to give the money back! (Photo courtesy Frank Plewa)
Scott Leonescu and Toby brave Friday's foul
weather in a tippy canoe. (Photo courtesy Betty Schmidt)
Well, perhaps not so brave after all! But still pretty good for a New Jersey sailor! (Jackie Lutskus Photo.)
Rachael Boreman and Summer braved the elements and passed Started! (Photo courtesy Jackie Lutskus)
Doug Jaffee strikes a pose that actually has him looking almost as smart as his dog for the first time in recent memory. (Photo courtesy Betty Schmidt, who is already trying to sell the photograph to Philip Morris for consideration of Doug as the next "Marlboro Man" )