Northern Piedmont Retriever
Last Updated
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Congratulations to our very own NERD, Tom Johnston, and Mable for qualifying for their GMHR on Saturday, April 26, 2009.
Tom sends Mable off for a mark while judge Scott Unkle looks on.
Tom waves goodbye to Mable on a deep mark.
And here's our girl bringing back the title clinching bird!
Here is our intrepid group of club members and friends who braved the wilds of SGL #169 in February to clean and repair wood duck boxes and mallard cylinders. Thanks to (front row) Jackie Lutskus, Sherry Weibley, Frank Plewa and an obviously distressed Mike Tome and (back row) Mark Johnston, Dave Thor, Tom Johnston, Dennis Weibley, Dwayne Mayberry and John Corman. Also thanks to the other folks who helped out later in the month at SGL #249.
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Congratulations to our handlers, judges and workers who had a great close to the testing season in the Northeast. Having three of our dogs all get their 1000 points on the same weekend is special, and something we're not likely to see again anytime soon. Special congratulations to Frank and Dottie for three enormous accomplishments. We know how hard Dottie worked with Spinner, and Frank, even though he often makes it look easy, had many a battle with Carbon that gives hope to us all! :)
Here we have Frank running up at SWPA in early August, under the watchful eye of judge Scott Leonescu. Co-judge Tom Johnston appears to be praying for some sort of divine intervention (perhaps for Kernal to actually look out at the marks???) Apparently all worked out okay as Frank got two passes on his entire truck that weekend.
Also at SWPA, Dottie and Spinner leave the line from Kevin McLaren and Fred Perini's land series.
And our final look at the SWPA test is Donna Ruth, Miss Daisey and Mike Tome goofing off.
Our Fall Test weekend actually started off the Wednesday evening before when we picked up Nora and Harry Williams at the airport and took them for a spin around the Baltimore Inner Harbor courtesty of Jay and Jackie Lutskus. Here we have Nora, Harry and that Tome fellow enjoying the scenry. Note the lack of rain - most every other outdoor picture the rest of the week was accompanied by some sort of precipitation.
And here we have Harry, much later in the evening, attempting to reboard the boat following dinner and drinks. Thank God he had help.
Here we have Saturday Intermediate judges Jackie Lutskus and Harry Williams dispensing a few pearls of wisdom prior to awarding ribbons.