Last Updated Thursday, November 6, 2003
Bruce Jenkins lines up Otis for the Senior I water blind at the NPRC Fall 2003 NAHRA Field Test.
Seconds later, Bruce gives Otis the first of several course changes.
Following the apparently successful completion of the water blind, Bruce Jenkins sets Otis off on the Senior I trail, as judges Frank Plewa and Doug Jaffee look on. To the right, Dave Henderson, bored beyond belief, keeps up a lively conversation with the "duck in the bucket."
Having successfully survived the weekend,including one shoddy handle after another, Nils and Otis pose with the handlers they overcame to each get their long-awaited GMHR's. Photo courtesy Karen Johnston.
Jackie Lutskus and Silkie at the October training session in Frederick County, Maryland
Mike Minchoff's Magnum with a nice water entry, also at the October training session.